About C.H.U.B.B. Apparel
Welcome to Chubb Apparel, your number one source for fresh apparel. We're dedicated to giving you the very best apparel, with a focus on promoting uniqueness, confidence, & being courageous enough to just be yourself.
Founded in 2018 by Isaac Harris III, C.H.U.B.B. Apparel has come a long way from it's beginnings as "Chubby Gang," a congregation of famished adolescents whom's only mission was enjoying a local eatery, and each others company in fellowship. As recognition for plate stacking grew, we developed an acronym to show our appreciation for every opportunity, ""Courageous Handsome Unique Big Boys." "Christ Has Us Best Believe."" When Isaac 1st started out, his passion for fashion drove him to do intense research, subsequently giving him the impetus to turn hard work & inspiration into a booming online store. We now serve customers all over the world, & are thrilled to be a part of the constant evolving wing of the fashion industry.
We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy creating them for you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.
See contact page for contact information.